Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sept. 15, 2014 Conroe

Hola Familia!!!!

   This week was llena! I am sorry I have been so lame on the emailing side! But I love you all the same! :) It takes me a little bit longer to email the president so I just feel like I don't have much time. haha But I know you are dying to hear about hermana PROVOST!!!! SHE IS DARLING!! She is from Utah, Ogden. She is 20 and super sweet. She is so motherly and takes care of all of us. She worked in a nursing home before she came and is super legit. SO as of now there are 3 of us! So when I go on exchanges with other hermanas I can go with both of them and then hermana Provost and hermana Marlowe can work without me in our area! It's really great! I love being sister training leader! It's awesome. 

This week we had some great miracles and lessons. We have been progressing and becoming better at reaching our goals! I know you want to hear about Paula and Mauricio because I haven't talked about them in forever! SOOOO someone named David Vasquez came home from his mission a little bit ago like maybe a month? Idk... but ya so he is a super awesome return missionary. I mean he just has that like look in his eyes that just tells you he was awesome. So he texted us and told us that he was free all day on Friday!! Who does that? A super awesome return missionary. So we asked him to come out with us for our appointments at 7 and 8! Well the day is going on and our friend Kevin who we were supposed to teach at 7 was not answering!!! And as the day went on I was feeling really strongly that we needed to take David to visit Paula and Mauricio, we just felt like they would fall on eachother well and David is from el salvador and so is mauricio! So i told the hermanas I was feeling that and they said that they had been too! So we changed the plans a little and David is a stud and walked to the lesson bc he didnt have a car and we cant drive him. We went in and Mauricio wasnt there but we had a beautiful lesson with Paula! As we spoke to her we could feel her explain to us the way she can, that she and Mauricio had been reading the Book of Mormon and that they have already seen a difference in their lives and that specifically they have seen changes with their daughter! It was so cool! David shared his beautiful conversion story and Paula's mom came in which is always a miracle and she said to David she doesnt know how but somehow we (us and paula) understand eachother. Later Mauricio came home and joined us for the closing song and we sang his favorite, "ill go where you want me to go" and then had a prayer. He and David really seemed to liek eachother! which is awesome! MEMBER SUPPORT IS THE BEST!!! As we left David told us that he had never taught someone like that and that it was an amazing experience :) He helped a  bunch! On sundaywe told this story at correlation and when we explained to the elders what Paula said about her daughter and all the things she has seen change, they were like how did you get all of that?! (you know becuase she doesnt speak) and it really hit me how much of a miracle it is everytime we go and can comunicate with her. It is truly a blessing, the spirit makes up for what we dont understand. I know that the ONLY reason we can understand her is because the Lord wants us to. 

Miracle to the President: 

Entonces tuvimos MUCHOS MILAGROS. Pero algo que me ha fortelecido mucho durante la semana paso cuando fui para intercambios. Mis hermanas Provost y Marlowe ensenaron alguien muy preparada! Decidimos que ellas podrian hacerlo aun que no estaba yo, despues las llame y ellas dijieron que tuvieron una leccion maravillosa y que ella lloraba y compartio sus sentimientos de las cosas que estan pasando ahorita en su vida! Los dias pasaron y cuando llegamos en la capilla en Domingo ella y su esposo y sus 4 ninos ya estaban sentados listos para la reunion sacramental!!! :) Despues ella dijo a su hija quien tiene como 5 o 6 anos que si ella se porta bien se va en la mision tambien como nosotras! Me senti TAN FELIZ no pudia creer mis ojos! Yo se que hay personas preparadas! que hay personas quien llegan a la iglesia la PRIMERA vez que esten invitados!!! :) 

Sunday was such a treat to have people visiting the church.... SOMETHING REALLY EXCITING IS THAT THE FAMILY CAME TO CHURCH AND ALSO HERMANA VILLANUEVA!!!!!!! My old sister training leader who went home that i love SOOO MUCH came to visit texas and took us out to eat with her new boyfriend ;) It was sooo happppppy. i love her! but i forgot my camera sooo sorry. but these pictures are from elder howes birthday we spent a quick minute at the barreras to sing him happy birthday and smash his face... of course i got smashed in the midst! 

Saturday night was sports night and we played soccer!! I have sadly become rather aweful at the sport even though I played for my whole life... definitely doesnt show hahaha. So after I had enough of panting from my asthma and hip checking people on accident because these hips have a mind of their own ahhaha, I decided to hang out with my favorites Hermana Hernandez(little cutie from Guatemala!) and Obispo Ortiz and hermana Ortiz (just saint like people from mexico) i love them all with my whole heart they cracked me up for like an hour! hahah teasing me about getting trunky and marrying a hispanic man haha

I love this gospel so much. I have been having a little bit of an internal struggle lately being sad that I will have to leave this amazing ward fairly soon. They have become my home away from home and I am oficially obsesed with conroe. I know itll be hard to leave because all of my other wonderful wards and areas were SO HARD TO LEAVE. But i think this will be a little bit harder because I am leaving the mission sometime soon. BUT THAT IS IT. all i will talk of it, and never again willl you hear anything about it!!! 

I have learned some really amazing lessons this week. I know that if I didnt go on a mission I would have NEVER learned these same things and in such a meaningful way. The families here have taught me so much and I have learned that as you serve others and you love others with all you have and care so much about them, you naturally loose yourself. When ever I heard the quote that president Hinckley said to forget yourself and get to work I always panicked and tried so hard to do taht but that was still focusing on me. What I learned was that really what it is, is that as you start to work, as you start to care, as your love grows, as you give yourself to the Lord and His chosen people, you loose your natural man and you become the child of God that you are. Serve someone this week will ya? Care about someone so much that your heart hurts! LOVE YOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEEEEEEEEK. ABRAZOS Y BESITOS!!! 

con mucho amor,
hermana Koch

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