My Conroe gente <3 gave them my whole heart!
(As her mommy, this makes me so happy and shed real tears of joy.
These people will be missed as she is leaving a piece of her heart.)
Hola amigos,
How is life these days? TOMMMMY HOW WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY?!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BROTHER!!!! I HOPE IT WAS AWESOME and that you did lots of my favorite dance moves. haha I love you so much! I'm sorry I have been kind of lame on the birthday side these days. I PINKIE PROMISE I REMMBER AND I THINK OF YOU ALL!!! It's just really busy and hard to do things :/
Lots of crazy things are happening! So as you have maybe heard... I am being transferred out of my Conroe :***( and it's sad and really hard... but I don't have time to dwell on it!!! No one is gone forever. I can always come back and I will always love everyone here! I am still so busy. Hermana Marlowe is getting transferred as well! SO that means dearest darling hermana Provost is taking over the area!! wooooohoooo We are so proud of her! She has only been trained for 7 weeks! She can TOTALLY do it :) I love her so much, she is stressed out of her MIND haha but she just doesn't realize how much the Lord trusts her and how much these people need her. I admire her courage. She is one incredible woman. :)
So with that said my ode to Conroe is this:
My dearest Conroe I love you so,
te amo mucho les dejo? no.
No me parto por mucho tiempo..... be continued hahah I don't have enough time.
MONDAY: We had a great day!! We found some of the members in our ward who haven't been coming to church and shared a message with them and are going over to visit with them and eat another day! We then visited a family in the WARD THAT WE LOOOOVE they are sooo awesome. The hermano filled our brain with wonderful knowledge haha and we felt like we were in the temple! Then we went and saw Paula and Mauricio and our lesson was great! We helped them make some personal goals! :)
Tuesday: I went on an exchange with hermana Perry and hermana Miller! It was fun! :) I learned SOOO MUCH from them! :) hermana Perry was so sweet! She came out with hna Provost and she invited EVERYONE to be baptized!
Wednesday: We had our first amazing lesson with Jessica, Monica, Laticia and Leonel and that is explained in my miracle. And then we had another awesome lesson with Paula and Mauricio, and David came with us. He is like our 4th companion he is so devoted to missionary work! He loves them so much. He and Mauricio are both from el Salvador... I love that country. mi gente haha
Jueves: We went to Kaity's farm! She is so awesome! We did some service there and helped her study! They have a horse named Ace! <3 fond memories, (grandpas old horse Ace) and we did some awesome planning and then some great activities with the ward including some volleyball which is always good ;)
Viernes: We taught David about making decisions and it was awesome. He always ends up teaching me new things! He has the goal of working in the temple which was so cool because I have that goal for after I get home too! Then we went to Jessica's again! She is so darling! She absorbes EVERYTHING like a sponge! She remembers everything she reads from the Book of Mormon!
Sabado: We went to the Vasquezs house! The sister of hermano Vasquez, our ward mission leader! He is getting married in January and so I think I want to come back real quick, bring hermana Parry if I can ;) (see if she even reads this) haha it was great! We then went and visited one of our friends with Tere and it was really awesome! He is so great and he has been coming to church a lot and loves it so much! It really is so great to go and visit with him. We then went to a lesson with Jessica and her cousins again and it was great. We taught them the restoration and they all understood!!! They said they will pray and read to know. They are so great. I however will possibly not know anything else that happens with them bc I am leaving! haha
Domingo: Church was wonderful! Before it, we had correlation and we ate pancakes! And then there were amazing talks by the temple president and high councelmen!! Hermana Escobar one of the members from Canyon Lakes spoke!! I LOVE SEEING HIM!!! Jessica and Dario came to church! The classes were great and then after we all went outside to take a picture bc elder Howe is going home! We went to Paula and Mauricio's after church!! They fed us and the elders pupusas! They were so yummy and then guess what we did... WE ATE AN IGUANA!!!! AHHHHHH it was pretty good... and chewy. We then went and visit Tere and then she came with us to visit Dario again and it was great! :) We had a miracle!! WE FOUND JESSICA AND AMANDA!! Who I taught with hermana Buno they were there and we got to talk with them it was so sweet! We are going to visit them today.
Anyway moral of the story... I love this work, this area, and everything about it. I have to live here someday in Conroe at least for just a smiggen of time. I am sad to be leaving but grateful that I get to love a whole other group of people!
My Miracle to the President:
(M) pues habia MUCHOS MILAGROS!! Pero algo que realmente me sorprendio ers un milagro que se cayo de los cielos!! Uno de nuestrommiembros menos activos empezo de venir a la iglesia otra vez porque los elderes han estado trabajando con el!! Empezo a venir y el trayo su sobrina! Ella tiene dos hermanos menores y ellos perdieron su padre hace 3 meses y tabien hace 6 meses desaparecio su mama. Ellos esten en una situacion muy triste, desanimada, y dificil. Nos conocimos y ellas es muuuuy linda! Nos dijo que queria bautizarse! Entonces fuimos a la casa de ellos y alla encontramos 4 de los sobrinos del hermano, tuvimos una leccion muy espiritual y 2 de ellas tenian una fecha ennque quieren bautizarse!! Me encanta este milagro porque estos ninos no tienen padres en la tierra estan solos confundidos y en una situacion oscuro. Pero YO SE QUE NECESITAN AHORITA QUE SABER que tiene Padres Celestiales. Quienes les aman masnque ellos comprenderan. Y yo se que porque El Senor siempre esta consiente de sus ovejas, ya empezaron de tener la luz del evangelio en sus vidas. Este Domingo vino otra vez y esenamos a las jovencitas y ellas escribieron para lo que estan agradecidas y la unica cosa que jessica puso dijo "estoy agradecida por las misioneras porque vienen a mi casa y me ayudan" <3 me toco muy fuerte. Amo este evangelio.
(Translation by Kevin:
Well there were SO MANY MIRACLES!! But something that really surprised me was a miracle that literally fell from heaven!! One of the less-active members that we have been teaching started coming to church again because the elders have been working with her!!She has two younger brothers and they lost their father about 3 months ago and also about 6 months ago their mother just disappeared. They are in a very sad situation. We got to know each other and they are sooooo beautiful! They told us that they wanted to be baptized so we went to their house and found them with four of the nephews of the brother. We had a very spiritual lesson and two of them have a baptismal date!! This is such a special miracle because these kids don’t have parents on the Earth right now. They feel alone and confused and the are in a very dark situation. But I KNOW THAT THEY NEED TO KNOW that they have Heavenly Parents who love them more than they can comprehend. I know that because the Lord is always aware of his sheep and they have already begun to have the light of the Gospel in their lives. This Sunday we met and taught the young girls and had them right down the things that they are grateful for and the only thing Jessica put was, “I am grateful for the Missionaries because they come to my house and help me.” <3 I was so touched. I love this Gospel.)
I love you all so very very much! I hope you have a wonderful week and always remember that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. You wear it on your heart. It's not a badge that you wear for 18months to 2 years.
con mucho amor,
hermana Koch

These crazy people... David, hna Marlowe hna Provost, me Michelle, hno Hernandez and I can't see the picture and can't remember who else is in there.
I think hno and hna Ayala and hna Barrera haha sorry
Temple fun!
Iguana bones
Irma and Eldon :)
Mauricio teasing hna Provost